If you’ve studied successful startups, you might think that what makes a startup take off or remain permanently grounded is just luck–or a fluke. While all startups are unique, and there’s no guaranteeing that one will be a success, there are certain characteristics of startups that help them succeed better. Here we list the characteristics that every successful startup needs to ensure they cover.

Location, Location, Location

Where you place your startup is of great importance. Entrepreneurs should take into account several factors, including the visibility of signage, rent, utilities, and the relative safety of the area. This isn’t just a matter of choosing the right neighborhood in your city. It’s also about choosing the right city. You want to make sure your startup is located in a city that will be conducive to its growth but not so competitive that it’ll be washed out. Even if your startup is based online, you still need to consider practices like choosing shorter domain names and having a worthwhile host.

Business Sense

A startup can really teach you about the ins and outs of running a business. However, while there’s plenty you’ll learn through trial and error, there’s plenty more that needs to be grasped before you open your doors. As a startup founder, you should have a thorough comprehension of basic budgeting, hiring needs, and marketing. Be sure to hire people who have at least some startup experience.


The most successful startups didn’t start raking in mountains of cash overnight. They got to reach their impressive heights because of discipline. As much as you might long to be a smash right out of the gate, you need to work your way up the ladder of success. Make a multi-year plan of things you hope to accomplish by certain dates. This will help you know what to strive towards. Then you can follow the steps and check-in with yourself regularly. Remember, consistency is key!

A Strong Legal Foundation

You need to consider what sort of business you want your startup to function as. You could be an S-corp, which lets owners and workers share income easily but caps the number of allowable shareholders at 100. You could be an LLC, which allows business assets to be kept separate from personal ones in the event of financial hardship, but you’ll have to cover self-employment tax. You could be an LLP, which can be more cost-effective but are restricted by some states. You could also be a proprietorship, which gives you singular reins of your organization but which makes you culpable for any marks on the business. This is a decision you shouldn’t make lightly.

When creating a startup, entrepreneurs can get stuck on having the most innovative idea above all else. While that’s certainly important, they shouldn’t forget about basic standards to follow. All of these characteristics are common among successful startups because they are sensible and important when it comes to sustainability.

Before you go anywhere with your startup, you need to make sure that you have all your legal bases covered. Lum Law Group would be happy to answer your questions and help your new business get started!


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