Immigration clients often come to us with botched cases. Either they tried to do it themselves and failed, or they hired a less-than-reliable paralegal office that mishandled their case. Some mistakes are made even in our care. Here are the four most common immigration application/petition mistakes we hope you’ll avoid.
Submitting an incomplete or erroneous application/petition
Clients often rush through the forms, and by mistake leave out a detail from a decade or two ago. Our office, like any office, can only help you ensure your form is filled out completely and matches the information you provided us. We do not know if you had a DUI 20 years ago. We do not know if you have a criminal record that was expunged 15 years ago. These are facts that we may be able to verify and obtain records to support your case, but without a client request we would not think to look for it.
It is the client’s responsibility to think through their past and ensure the forms reflect complete and accurate data.
Failing to pay the complete and exact fee
Often clients will write a check for the wrong amount, such as in the case when the application fee has recently changed. Sometimes clients fail to account for biometrics fees (finger prints for background check), and other times they expect to pay fees separately when they should all be submitted at once. We have even clients whose applications were significantly delayed because they did not have enough funds in their bank account when the funds were cashed. Don’t be like them; check the fees and use a credit card, money order, or savings account to pay your immigration application or petition fees.
Failing to submit sufficient evidence
If only we had a nickel for every client who hired us after they received their Request for Evidence (RFE). It’s very common for clients to follow generic checklists they found online, or the advice of a friend or an acquaintance who did it themselves without considering their individual cases. Based on your individual circumstances, your application or petition may require different supporting documents or additional evidence. Immigration used to always request that information from you after you file using an RFE. Nowadays it is not guaranteed.
Failing to respond to a request for evidence or additional information by the deadline
Clients can still receive a request for additional documentation at the interview. An immigration officer may determine after speaking with you that they need more data. They will set a deadline and you will have to produce that information either in person or by mail before the deadline. If you miss the deadline, your case will likely be denied.
While everyone makes mistakes, don’t let your mistake delay your immigrant or non-immigrant status. Talk to an experienced immigration today about how we can help you avoid delay!