In line with recent trends, our office has received more inquiries regarding naturalization, with more and more people realizing that they are safer as U.S. citizens than permanent residents. Note: We estimate the naturalization process to take about a year, given USCIS 700,000+ processing backlog.
The process of applying for Naturalization is as follows:
- Check that you qualify to be naturalized
- Fill out Form N-400 and gather necessary documents
- Mail out your completed application (or send it online)
- Prepare for your interview
- Go to your interview/test
- Attend the naturalization/oath ceremony
As we haven’t found a comprehensive resource for those looking to learn more about how to prepare for the interview and citizenship test beyond USCIS official resource center, we’ve compiled this list as a comprehensive resource.
Keep in mind that USCIS will test you on the following:
- Civics: You will be asked about 10 questions on U.S. history, U.S. government, U.S. geography.
- Listening: You will be expected to understand the officer interviewing you and converse accordingly.
- Reading: You will be asked to read a sentence aloud during your interview.
- Writing: You will be asked to write a sentence that is read to you (dictation).
You can prepare for the listening, reading, and writing portions of your interview by studying vocabulary lists, chatting with many different people (with different accents), and watching the news.
Official information:
Form help:
- Immigrant Legal Resource Center: Step-by-step Guide on how to fill out your N-400
- iAmerica Citizenship Workbook (pdf)
Interview help:
- USCIS: Reading Vocabulary List (pdf)
- USCIS: Writing Vocabulary List (pdf)
- Dictation Test
- CLINIC: Graphic novel about the interview process (pdf)
- Citizenship Study Guide: Writing practice
- Videos with subtitles
- American culture & customs: short reads with audio
- USA Learns: Learn English for free
Citizenship test help:
- USCIS: Civics Practice Test
- Online Citizenship Quiz (free)
- USCIS 100 Civics questions (pdf)
- Minnesota Citizenship Council: Study for the U.S. Citizenship Test
- Translations of the Citizenship Questions (to your native language)
- New Citizen Campaign: Help with the test
- Youtube video with 2018 Questions
- City University of New York: Civics Q&A
- CUNY: Exam preparation handbook (pdf)
- Youtube videos by Higher Level Math
- US Constitution in plain English (pdf)
- History Channel: Citizenship questions
- USCIS: Civics Test Study Tools (IOS/Android)
- Citizenshipworks: How to become a Citizen (IOS/Android)
- Flashcards (IOS/Android)
Do you know of additional resources that we can add to this list? Let us know!